Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Its too damned hot.

I have now been sitting in my house for about 2 hours trying to work up the nerve to go and ride my bike. So far, it hasn't worked.

This might also have something to do with the excessive debacle that was last night with my friend Mike in town that ended like this:

Last weekend I was in St. Louis with Alex Dan and Anona for the Winghaven NRC race. I managed to miss out on registering so there was no racing for me, also it was hot as hell and I left before the actual NRC race... oh well. I took a few pictures, but honestly, Winghaven is kind of a boring looking place.

Driving through Winghaven to the race was honestly kind of frightening. Matt James described it as being like the Truman Show. Its surreal just how true that was.


  1. ok, wtf is going on in that photo?

    what is surrounding your nipples?

  2. This is not me in the photo, but my friend Mike... The orange is spray paint. Trust me, it seemed like a wonderful idea at the time.
